A Victorian Nightmare by Honey Bone Rush

 One thing I love about Honey Bone Rush, out of Naples, Florida USA, is their relentless and fierce riffing on top of booming drums.  They definitely do that in "A Victorian Nightmare", plus a lot more!

Now this is METAL!

This song starts thrashing away immediately with a fast-paced riffing guitars with helicopter kicks pounding away.  The bass is booming away as well, smoothly and rhythmically on point.

The vocals came in with a layered death growl with lyrics that blister the soul.  Sometimes in this genre screams can be piercing or make you want to wipe your face while just listening, but this vocalist has amazing control and delivers with incredible performance.

"Don't turn your back on the evil within | In your darkest dreams is where it begins".  This is where nightmares come from, that's for freaking sure.  It is obvious that the lyrics, by incredible poet Justin Nugent, who is from England, were written with extremely careful consideration word for word, producing a perfect setting and story that HITS HARD.  And they were molded to the song!

It is no easy feat to play this genre of music with such impeccable rhythm.  The drums are steady...and the guitars are right along with the double-kicking the whole time.  If they were to miss a stroke, it would be a blaring issue, but the guitars were delivered with precision.

I might have trouble sleeping tonight after this killer metal thriller!  I caught myself with both of my horns up while sitting here listening in my headphones.  LOL!!!

You can have your face melted right off by following the below SongWhip link and choosing your favorite streamer to fill your ears!  It is also on the "Fight the Storm" playlist found on this song review blog site!



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