Abracadaver by Before Braille

 Before Braille is a band from Phoenix, Arizona USA.  I listened to "Abracadaver", and first thing I noticed was their very well recorded/mixed/mastered this song is.  The distorted guitars sound full, the bass is punching the bottom-end up to the mids, and the drums sound huge with a fat kick and snare leading the way.  The vocals are in-tune, layered with harmony nicely aside from the verses, and performed with high-energy.

This is a mix of hard rock and some punk.  It has a strong resemblance to the pop rock of the late 90's and early 2000s, which really packed a hard punch!

I love how the guitars get even bigger when the chorus hits.  That is a trick in the studio that takes experience to accomplish...adding that big punch to a chorus that's following a section that's already powering its way along.  Well done!

If you want a song that drives hard with an amazing studio sound and performance all the way through, plus an early 2000's pop rock feel, this song is definitely for you.

Check them out on your favorite streamer using this SongWhip link to get there quickly!



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