Breathe by Mastesy

 I've followed Mastesy, from Germany, for multiple years now.  He has done acoustic music in the past, but he also can really rock, too!

"Breathe" is a very energetic grunge, sprinkled with punk, rock song with some blaring fuzzy distortion that brings me back to the grunge movement and sound of the early 90's.  Those guitars feel a lot like Blur's Song #2, and the vocals have that same style as well.

This 1 minute and 40 seconds of pure mosh-pit rock is a heck of a tune!  The attitude is all there, and it is AWESOME!

This song has been added to the "Fight the Storm" playlist.  Check it out and be ready to jump, but try not to knock anything down or break anything...because chances are really good that you're not actually in a mosh pit right now.

Thanks for submitting @Mastesy_ .  I'm a fan!

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