Rabbit Hat Smash by Sisser

 I'll be completely honest, but when I started listening to "Rabbit Hat Smash" by Sisser (out of St. Louis, Missouri USA), I was incredibly intrigued immediately.  It is definitely not conventional, and I LOVE IT!  Let's see if I can describe this...

It starts out with authentic live drums playing a 5/4 rock beat, which is hard to fully grasp until the bass and guitars come in.  The bass is has an incredible punchy thickness to it with 5 strings used in such a way that sort of surprised me that it got so low.  It's very active...not just sitting on the roots.  The guitars are the same...always active...not just chords...always filling in the atmosphere of my headphones.  It feels like the guitarist is just improvising his/her way through the song...sooo naturally.

I get a hint of White Stripes and a bit of Sick Puppies when I listen.  (Random thought as I listen).  I would love to know who actually inspires this group.

I believe this could be called Progressive Alternative Grunge Rock.  :)  Is there a theatre rock as a genre?  I ask because between verses when the guitars pick up volume and activity, I catch the vocals with quick side to side pan back'n'forth saying "And for my next trick | I will be performing my agony".  Almost like a narrator giving us the setting of what's to come... 

OK, so now I'm moving onto the vocals.  She has an awesome tone that cuts through the mix nicely...so that it can be lower in the mix and not be drowning at all.  She performs it.  She does not sing as one would expect with pop sensibility.  She sings with emotion and poetry.  Forming her words as an instrument itself...flowing in and out of the mix.

I couldn't be more excited to have discovered this band and song!

Check them out on your favorite streamer following this SongWhip link!



  1. Great song! Unsure if you checked out their video on YouTube but it feels like Heart meets Black Sabbath with this band! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHdapyVY5oc

    1. Ah yes!!! That makes sense! Thanks for sharing the video.


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