Shattered by Kris Anders

 "Shattered" by Kris Anders - @kris_anders from Vernon, BC Canada - gives us an upbeat nicely-produced song with a very strong 80's pop rock feel.  It is very rhythmic throughout, including distorted guitars, bass led by natural sounding drums (not the regular electronic drums that have a snare that never seems to decay).

I hear soaring guitars throughout nearly the whole song, but changing the intensity depending on the dynamics of the song.  However, I do hear that the rhythm guitar is nearly the same 2 chords and rhythm the whole time...adding the lower root power chord when the chorus comes in.  So, 3 chords.  They definitely say that some of the best songs out there don't use more than three chords.  This song definitely proves that point!

When the chorus comes around, we have keys filling in so much frequency range, background vocals leading in, the lead vocals go to a higher register, the guitars have soaring leads parts...all of this gives that feeling of cruising on the highway with the top down with no other traffic in view.

I really like the melodic nature of this song, the unfailing rhythm, and the obvious impressive studio sound.

Please check this song out on your favorite streamer using this SongWhip link!  You can also find this song on the "Fight the Storm" Spotify playlist that is embedded into this blog site.


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