The Purple Flame by Chris Hardy World

 I couldn't believe it, but just a couple minutes after I had made this blog public and had posted about it on Twitter, I got a submission from Chris Hardy World, with Twitter handle @chrishardyworld.  This was super cool, and I thank you so much for being the first submitter!

This was my first listen to the Chris Hardy World's music who is out of Edgefield, South Carolina USA, and I do have to is some really dang cool rock and roll!  I do have to point out the obvious -> That distorted bass is the king of the show!  It is constantly dancing around in that low end, and in the mids for that matter...with a very talented bassist at the helm.  He's got the chops to be able to pull of such bass licks, that's for sure.

I feel a touch of funk and lots of blues.  It's extremely danceable (although I don't dance).  The mix did a great job of giving this song a strong vibe of being played live in front of an energetic crowd that participates through the whole thing.  Amazing studio performance by each member.

Those vocals are always on point and really nail this kind of rock.  "I see the purple flame" is extremely catchy and the melody definitely sticks around in the brain.  The guitars are solid and flowing.

I can't get enough of the rhythmic tightness this group has.  As a drummer myself, I personally cannot get enough of this.  It is obvious that this group of musicians has been playing together for a long time.  If they were to play in Minnesota, I definitely want to be there.  If you like feel good rock with a giant blues influence, plus incredible musicianship all around, this band is for you.

Check them out!  This song can be found in the "Fight the Storm" playlist on this blog site!  Feel free to listen to the song and reread this post again!  :)

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