Escape the Gravity by Jacobs Fall

 Jacobs Fall is a hard rock band from Germany, who has a phenomenal heart-heavy, sad, reflective and driving song in "Escape the Gravity" that is beautifully performed and produced.

The song starts with a beautiful piano that is met with pickup notes leading into a full guitar-heavy rock song with continued piano.  I sense a very gothic feel.  I love the singer's amazing, smooth baritone voice, always nicely in tune, and bringing this incredible near-tears emotion to the forefront.  The drums are slow and spot on rhythmically.  The bass rolls smoothly through and below the crystal clear rhythmic guitars.  The piano continues to melodically float through the song, and is met by orchestral strings.

Now that I've described their nicely produced studio sound, I have to bring to attention the outstanding songwriting.  Every instrument is not used throughout the whole song, but only when they are needed.  For instance, the verses allow the vocals to shine while the guitars are minimal.  All instruments join perfectly inline to add intensity to the chorus.  This band is very conscious of everything else going on around them.  The drums aren't making giant fills leading into anything...because this song doesn't want that.  The drums did fill very tastefully when appropriate.  The bass starts a new rolling bass line in the final full chorus adding a new intensity.  The vocals hit soaring notes behind the strings that took the attention.  The guitars naturally fill in empty spots without being the center of attention.  What a team this is!

I can't get over the pure sadness in these lines specifically:

We still bleeding the feelings are gone | And fever infest all the others | Failed and distressed | The redeemer won't come | Waited in vain"

I can feel this song being a perfect addition to some intense moments in the awesome series "Dark".  There is that darkness...  I can also picture angels and demons circling in tornado fashion around this band while they play through the storm.  All the disappointment is powerful, and this song crushed all of it.

"Can't give a smile | At the end of night | It's on you my friend you have to decide"  - That gravity is hard to escape...

I'd like to personally thank Jacobs Fall for allowing me to review this song.  You have gained a new fan, and I hope many others fall in line.

This song is being added to the "Fight the Storm" playlist that accompanies this blog site.

Check out this song on your favorite streamer using this SongWhip link.


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