Hungover You by We Demand Parachutes

 We Demand Parachutes is a band located in Boston, MA and New York City, NY in USA.  "Hungover You" is what is often considered Pop-Punk Rock as a genre very similar to the late 1990's and early 2000's time period.  The production is very well done, and even includes keyboard sounds and production tricks to the expected guitar/vocal driven rock.

As this song gets started, the vocals quickly pickup into the verse and get things going.  The vocalist is on-point to the style, with a clear nasal-sounding presentation above crisp-sounding distorted guitars and a bass that sits a little more focused in the mids area of the mix.  The chorus comes in with layered harmonies on top of melodic vocals.

I was a little surprised but really dig how the guitar has a hint of fuzz...or maybe a tin can its sound.  The clarity of the guitars goes down a little bit with this added gain to the distortion.  This really adds a lot of punch to the song's overall sound.  I also love the rhythm that the bass and guitar keep during the second verse specifically.  They are doing their own creative things...and playing off of each other.  Very dang cool and interesting to listen to.  This creates a ton of re-listen-ability!  Attention is kept to a maximum, very nice!

One thing I've noticed each of the times I've listened through this song is that it ends pretty abruptly.  As a listener, I haven't been able to feel it coming, but now that I know the song it makes sense.  :)

This is a very catchy and melodic song that will get stuck in your head.

Check it out on your favorite streamer using this SongWhip link below!

You can also find it on the "Fight the Storm" playlist found embedded on this blogsite.


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