The Den by All Taken

All Taken is a hard rock band out of Los Angeles, CA USA.  "The Den" is their latest release after a bit of a hiatus, and it comes with high intensity, a shuffling rhythm and soaring guitars.

When I initially played "The Den" for the first time, I was immediately very impressed by their high quality studio sound.  The drums are booming and clear, the guitars are crunching and fill the whole stereo landscape, the bass is active, punchy and can be easily recognized even while the guitars blast, and the vocals give me a strong impression of Dexter Holland from The Offspring.  What an incredible rock sound.

I LOVE how the song has such a strong intro.  It gives the song a strong identity.  After the drums and bass join the already soaring guitars, they all meld into a rhythm, then all of the soaring comes on with full intensity.  The guitar and bass are so busy and are tight through out all of the fast riffs.

One thing that caught my ear as a very cool addition was the tambourine hitting with the snare during the chorus, but also giving us a improvisational fill to finish out that chorus.  Very TASTY.

At about 2 minutes and 50 seconds in, following a super cool tight, rhythmic and riffing bridge, every band member builds from it to a climactic ending.

All Taken did an incredible job making a heavy rock song that leaves no space for repetition and boredom.

They are being added to the "Fight the Storm" playlist that accompanies this blog site.

Check them out on your favorite streamer using this SongWhip link.


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