"Stuck in the Middle of Something" by Lion Trail

 "Stuck in the Middle of Something" is the latest track the band from Israel called Lion Trail.

Right after I hit play, the track gets a groove and guitar sound that hit the classic rock feel for me.  Very much guitar led with a single vocal charismatically blowing right through with strong melody.  I definitely feel vocal influence from Marilyn Manson in many ways, but I only say that in the sense that we pull those vocally dynamic tendencies into classic rock jam session.  I especially hear that influence when the song breaks down into calmer sections that use electronic drum sounds.

I'm a huge fan of the guitar soloing sending the song to new heights.  The vocals and guitars even team up in many parts.  I felt like I was at a really energetic rock show where the guitarist was blowing the roof off the place.  Amazing.  Very natural with incredible chops.

I do have to mention the sound of the bass.  It's very well mixed with a smooth tone and rumbles around with the kick very nicely.  I'm also very intrigued by the use of some electronic soundscaping that isn't out in the forefront of the sound (except in the calmer sections), but it's a very modern trend and fits nicely.

You can find this song on your favorite streamer by following this link!


You can also find this song on the playlist called "Fight the Storm" that is embedded into this blogsite.


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