"Same Stars" by Girl With a Hawk

 Girl With a Hawk is from Boston, Massechusetts USA.  "Same Stars" is a calm, reflective rock song with smooth, passionate melodic vocals that get soaked in another vocalist's harmonies during the chorus and occasionally in other areas as well.  She has an outstanding dynamic to her voice that fits nicely in the calm parts as well as the parts of the song where the strategic building of intensity hits its climax.

The drums sound authentically live as if we were listening at a show...keeping the beat smoothly...not overdoing it...only doing what the song needs.  It takes a good ear to know what to play to fit the song's feel than to play unneeded fills, and this drummer's GOT IT!

The guitars do a great job of melodically leading, even when underneath the vocals.  These guitars do an excellent job of building the song's atmosphere.

The sound quality is on point for every instrument, with such a great mix.

I'd have to say I'm more than impressed with this band's ability to write and perform to the song.  So much musical maturity and focus on this team.  So professional.  So passionate.  So easy to listen to.

They've been added to the "Fight the Storm" playlist that accompanies the blog site.

Check them out on your favorite streamer by following this link!


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