Moonlight - by St. Doval

 "Moonlight" by St. Doval is a fantastically crafted song with beautiful studio production, amazing vocals, very talented guitar work, precise and active bass playing and solid drums from a technically precise and talented drummer.  The professionalism is outstanding.

As I begin this song, I hear that beautiful acoustic guitar playing, soon joined by an exceptionally impressive vocal that gives me Chris Cornell vibe.  Soon, the full band joins.  I'm very impressed with the clarity of the distorted guitar sound.

I'm also very impressed with the rhythm changes throughout this song!  It starts with a definite 6/8 time signature, then later switches to 4/4 while breaking the final vamp's measure into a shorter one.  The band is fully tight with the time signatures, which the drummer laid perfect groundwork for.  I love how the bass player is smooth as silk and plays off of the drums, plus adds tasty fills to keep things active!

The songwriting is some of the best I've heard.  The adding of instruments, taking them away, when harmonies are used in the vocals, the transitions between different song sections...just fluid!  I especially enjoy the drums at the end of the bridge inserting a nice fill all alone that leading into the full band's final chorus.  Very nice touch.  I can feel myself hitting the chorus's on-beat after that drum fill with a solid head bang!

I truly recommend this top-notch alternative rock song to anyone who loves a 90's-esque soulful and emotional tune that is full of ear-candy and will keep your interest throughout.

Well done, St. Doval, well done.


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