Tomorrow Dies - Wizard Tattoo

 Tomorrow Dies by Wizard Tattoo (from Indianapolis, Indiana USA) is intense blackened metal that is six minutes of huge growling vocals, fast riffage, speeding drums with plenty of snap and double-kick racing to the finish line with heavy rolling bass to fill out the bottom end.

When I first started playing this song, my mind went directly to the setting of a video game set in the medieval time period.  I imagine the main boss enemy coming out much larger than life with full armor, sharp spikes sticking from the armor with glowing red eyes while holding a gigantic axe and growling out threats to its good-guy opponent who awaits the battle that will soon take place.  Once the battle starts, unexplainable magic starts being thrown at the good-guy with giant explosions occurring at every turn.  A hoard of the undead comes to join the fight and cheer on the boss for sure victory.

I really enjoyed how tight the instruments are with one another.  The drums make a lot of rhythmic hit accents with the guitars/bass joining right along.  The guitar riffing contains a solid foundation with rhythm guitar and a lead that decorates.  The song also goes through many different variations of rhythm and sent me on an adventure from start to finish.

I highly recommend this song to the metal enthusiasts who appreciate an artist who does it all just the way authentic metal should.  Take a listen and add the Wizard Tattoo to your metal playlists.


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