Trigger - by Montgomery Night

 "Trigger" by Montgomery Night (a band based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada) is an alternative rock song full of personality.  It can be characterized by:

  • Steady and solid drums
  • Active bass lines
  • Consistent guitars with great guitar soloing
  • Powerful alto vocal with great tone/control
  • A catchy melodic hook!

The song starts with a steady beat with a catchy rhythm added with the clean guitar chord progressions.  The vocals come in with a great alto presence that cut through the mix nicely.

I really appreciate how the full band sticks with a solid rhythm, even when the bass line plays alone on top of the drums between the guitar chords.  The vocals work very nicely in accentuating the rhythm, too!

How about that vocal hook in the chorus?!?!

"You'll never see me crumbling, Oh no.  There's only one way from the bottom; it's up."

That chorus is very catchy and has the added distortion in the guitars to add the intensity.  Not only is it catchy, but the vocal has the power.

I really loved the guitar solo section of the song.  It showcases the guitarists ability and was done with taste dedicated to the song...nothing overdone or out of place.

OK, so I have to admit.  The music video for this song showcased a great deal of personality for the band and really created an atmosphere of fun and friendship of the band members.  Seeing the band perform this way gave me a connection to the band that really enhanced my enjoyment.  I know that really sounds corny, but it truly did that!  :)  One would be cool if they all switched instruments during live shows like they did in the video!

I highly recommend this song to listeners who really want to hear an upcoming rock band who are great songwriters, performers and will be one to watch!


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