2 Winks and a Shot - by Book of Golems

 "2 Winks and a Shot" by Book of Golems is an impressive mesh of high-level guitar skills and slamming drums with heavy riffs in varying rhythms carrying on smoothly throughout!

It has a strong classic rock feel with the guitars carrying the lead as well as the rhythm chord progressions simultaneously.  When the vocals come in, I hear a strong inspiration from the great Ozzy Osbourne!

I really like the transition between verse, pre-chorus and into the chorus!  Different rhythms carry them, like the verse is getting funky, the pre-chorus moves to a groove led with the ride's dome, and the chorus moves into a fast-paced punk-like drive!

There is a challenging aspect to this song that was nailed...which is the tightness between all band members.  There are areas of the song where the drums will do a masterful improvisation...then the guitars and drums with hit the groove together and move into yet another tasty improv.  I'd love to see this connection live and LOUD!  Oh, and I must add that there is an incredible solo on top of all of this improv.  If this song was on Guitar Hero or Rock Band, it would be at a high difficulty level, for sure!  And by the way...that bass line is rolling around and adding a boat-load of drive with pinpoint precision.

I highly recommend this song to the rock-enthusiast who enjoys great instrumentation and heavy rock!  Take a listen ASAP!


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