The Empty King - by Battle Bard
Battle Bard is a band from Bournemouth, United Kingdom that brings a solid hard rock / metal style to the ears with solid musicianship and plenty of attitude!
"The Empty King" starts off with ringing chords over the top of a solid beat, then come the fast-drum improvisations, including double-kick, that really get the song moving. The vocals come in with a rhythmic emotional monotone, ending each vamp with fierce gravel. There are also backing team vocals taking turns with the lead vocal. The drums come through in the overall mix very well.
Overall, the drums are the highlight in this song. They are very busy and keep things very interesting throughout. Their tightness with the rhythm section bring a level of professionalism to the team. The drummer brings the excitement to the song with the incredible double-kicking that cannot get enough credit, especially mixing the double-kick during improvisation.
I recommend this to any rock enthusiast who loves a solid hard rock / metal jam session.
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