Viral Vision - by Luke B
Luke B is a rock band out of Chorley, England who brings a rhythmic solid rock to the ears. "Viral Vision" starts out with distorted guitars getting the beat along with the drums, then the lead vocals join continuing the melody started out by the guitar. The chorus is led by the vocals and synth strings coming into to fill up a lot of space, giving the song more of a soul-fulfilling vibe. Later in the song, choruses really feel like a strong build, adding power to the song. I really like the melody throughout and the minor feel.
There is very interesting songwriting to this song that is out of the ordinary. The chorus itself seems to be structured as the area where the building of the song occurs. In my first listen, I naturally thought we had a prechorus preparing to lead into a chorus, but after repeated listens, this doesn't seem to be the case. The chorus has two parts that do their own building (in my mind). They lead into the next verse progressions.
I really enjoy the the constant build throughout the song, that will occasionally drop off and build back up. It musically feels like a good story. Also, the vocals are layered and mixed nicely. The guitars and synth strings sound nice and full. The bass has a good tone that rolls on the lower register, but also audibly leads when it takes over the chord progressions in the second verse.
As a drummer myself, I'd highly recommend getting the drums more audible in the mix, which adds lot of intensity to the song so we can latch on to the awesome drums fills and all of the building the drums take care of. Maybe adding more mids, especially the high-mid area in the mix for the snare, and the kick too. Add more snap and presence for each piece of that drum set.
I recommend this song to rock listeners who enjoy creativity in their musical taste! Luke B is not afraid to write a song his own way with solid musicianship.
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