
Showing posts from October, 2024

Moonlight - by St. Doval

 "Moonlight" by St. Doval is a fantastically crafted song with beautiful studio production, amazing vocals, very talented guitar work, precise and active bass playing and solid drums from a technically precise and talented drummer.  The professionalism is outstanding. As I begin this song, I hear that beautiful acoustic guitar playing, soon joined by an exceptionally impressive vocal that gives me Chris Cornell vibe.  Soon, the full band joins.  I'm very impressed with the clarity of the distorted guitar sound. I'm also very impressed with the rhythm changes throughout this song!  It starts with a definite 6/8 time signature, then later switches to 4/4 while breaking the final vamp's measure into a shorter one.  The band is fully tight with the time signatures, which the drummer laid perfect groundwork for.  I love how the bass player is smooth as silk and plays off of the drums, plus adds tasty fills to keep things active! The songwriting is some of the best I

Trigger - by Montgomery Night

 "Trigger" by Montgomery Night (a band based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada) is an alternative rock song full of personality.  It can be characterized by: Steady and solid drums Active bass lines Consistent guitars with great guitar soloing Powerful alto vocal with great tone/control A catchy melodic hook! The song starts with a steady beat with a catchy rhythm added with the clean guitar chord progressions.  The vocals come in with a great alto presence that cut through the mix nicely. I really appreciate how the full band sticks with a solid rhythm, even when the bass line plays alone on top of the drums between the guitar chords.  The vocals work very nicely in accentuating the rhythm, too! How about that vocal hook in the chorus?!?! "You'll never see me crumbling, Oh no.  There's only one way from the bottom; it's up." That chorus is very catchy and has the added distortion in the guitars to add the intensity.  Not only is it catchy, but the v

Brand New - by Hidden Giants

 "Brand New" by Hidden Giants is a peaceful acoustic rock song.  It starts with 2 guitars picking away to a tight rhythm together, while the vocals come in with the melody over them.  The drums and bass come in with a steady rhythm section to give some drive.  I really like the kick/bass tightness with the vocals when entering the song. As I listen, my mind was taken to a location with a beautiful river flowing from the waterfalls pouring into it around me.  Prairie grass moving in the gentle wind with a bright sun near the horizon.  Possibly having a picnic with people important to me.  A great place for reflection. The band as a whole do a great job creating the scene, creating ups and downs flawlessly.  Instruments come in, instruments go out.  Drums did a beautiful job of bringing the intensity to the song, but not too much...leading the way with ease with the dependable bass guitar teammate.  There were keys that filled in the soundscape where appropriate, picking the in